Hi, I’m Sue Thomas, a British Horse Society Accredited Coach and Business Professional

My Message

I have been a coach, trainer and equestrian centre owner/manager for over 25 years. I have taken that experience into the business world as a Management Consultant helping businesses and government become effective and efficient in their operations.

I have helped organisations improve their provision of customer centric services, improve & reduce their cost base and improve & extend their revenue. I support my clients to design an optimal Operating Model, re-design & streamline their processes and implement the change for businesses to achieve the results they are looking for.

For the love of horses

Successful people do what unsuccessful people are simply unwilling to do.

– Jesse Doe


As Founder and Director of Sensato, Sue has helped develop solutions that have transformed the businesses and organisations she has worked with.


Sue is a BHS Level 3 Accredited Coach with BHS Stable Manager Certificate. Sue is also a Fellow of the Institute of Consulting, a member of both the International Institute of Business Analysis and Project Management Institute.

Expertise and Skills

Sue has developed and implemented solutions that have:

Aligned Digital aspirations to actual delivery

Enabled process cost reductions including optimised procurement and use of key supplies such as feed, bedding (equestrian businesses) and contract/supplier management

Enabled evidence-based decision-making by re-designing or optimising Business or Organisation structure and the capture and use of data

Improved staff engagement with helping the business improve and increase revenue


Utilising what makes big private sector companies successful for my clients especially my Equestrian Business clients

Business System and Organisation design

Process design

Programme and Project Delivery

Business Analysis

Understanding and implementing GDPR

Embrace technology and Digital capability

Your first consultation is on me